XIR-1800: Now with Real-Time Cooling Time Measurement
XIR-1800 Thermal Camera
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Cooling Time in Metal AM
Metal AM involves building parts layer by layer, and controlling cooling rates is crucial for:
Achieving uniform mechanical properties throughout the build.
Avoiding defects caused by uneven cooling.
Cooling time measurement applies to both wire-based and powder-based processes, including:
Wire-Based Processes: GMAW-based WAAM, Plasma-Arc-based WAAM, Wire Laser AM (WLAM), Wire-based Electron Beam AM.
Powder-Based Processes: Laser DED, Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Electron Beam AM.
For wire-based methods like WAAM and WLAM, cooling time measurement is particularly critical. Due to the layer-by-layer nature of these processes, cooling rates can vary significantly within a single build, making accurate monitoring essential.
Why Cooling Time Matters?